Greetings dinosaur hunters!
We are continuing to bring more species in the form of Stegosaurus and Parasaurolophus. Custom map editor has got a lot of updates since the start of testing period which we’ll introduce here. And the Pachycephalosaurus rework is nearing completion.
Thank you for your support! We are grateful for the feedback we’ve gotten during the custom map editor testing phase as it has provided valuable information regarding the improvements needs. We are still continuing to work on it and other aspects of the game and any feedback is welcome! 😊
Check out more in the dev highlights video below:
Pachycephalosaurus rework
Pachycephalosaurus rework is almost complete with new model, textures and animations.

New species: Stegosaurus
Stegosaurus will be coming to the game and the model is currently being worked on.

New species: Parasaurolophus
Parasaurolophus is another addition to the species. The model and animations are being created.

Custom map editor updates
Custom map editor beta is available in public_test branch, please have a look at these instructions how you can try out the newest version https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/752900/view/6273023611545311969?l=english .
Since the start of the testing period we have done the following improvements to the editor you can already see in the public_test branch:
- In the terrain menu you can find new option “Generate base terrain”. This will generate you a base terrain with customizable parameters: Height scale, noise scale, island size factor and elevation curve type.
- Fixed edit interaction with some objects
- Added notifications for generation operations which didn’t have any
- Road can be regenerated (Select road and press again generate road)
- Objects not saved, terrain not saved & gameplay not generated statuses were added to some operations where it was missing like edit
- Road, area and grass generation is now multi-threaded
- Added redwood trees
- Added radio tower
- Blocked contracts from dinos that are not on the map
- Fix for workshop sometimes loading the wrong map when joining the game
- Added many new tree and bush models
- Dinosaur pathfinding has been improved. To get benefit of this improvement you need to regenerate gameplay for your custom map
- Fix for contracts causing errors when no suitable dinosaur found on custom map
- Custom map performance improvement
- Terrain brushes have a new option: Brush falloff. It creates smoother edges to your brush. It works with Raise, Lower, Paint and Flatten functions.
- When using base terrain generation with Flatmap the edges won’t have water anymore
- Water lootboxes are generated to map
- Game freeze fix when loading custom map with missing files
- Fix for when first playing a custom map and then the normal map it would go a bit crazy
- Fix for equipment sometimes not showing on other players’ hands
- Fix if player tries to edit a map before creating any maps
- Map marker can no longer be put outside of map
- Fix for missions which locations are not in custom map
- Added a new palm object
- Improved dropdown scroll speed
In addition to the points above we are working on custom object support so you could bring your own models to your maps.

Thank you for reading and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.