Development Blog #11 – Closing in the Early Access release
Development newsGreetings dinosaur hunters! Here is a larger blog post of our latest development progress while we prepare the game for Early Access release.New game menuGame menu has got an improved visual look. A couple of functionality improvements w...
Development Blog #10 – Tranquilizing dinosaurs
Development newsGreetings dinosaur hunters! This week we present to you another way to catch your dinosaur: tranquilizing. We also show updates in map and controller support.Tranquilized dinosaursInstead of using regular firearms players can now use a t...
Prehistoric Hunt on Top Steam Games To Lookout for in November 2020
General newsGreetings dinosaur hunters! Our game has made it to GamesKeys's list of top Steam games to lookout for in November 2020. You can find the article here: you for r...
Development Blog #9 – Advanced dinosaur tracking
Development newsGreetings dinosaur hunters! This week we present you a major update in dinosaur tracking feature. We’ve also added a medkit item to the game and brightness setting.TrackingTracking feature has been developed further. Players now get much...
Development Blog #8 – Helicopter collection of dinosaurs
Development newsGreetings dinosaur hunters! This week we showcase a completely new feature: Helicopter collection of dinosaurs. In addition we have updates in the following categories: Dinosaur behavior, navigation and bug fixes.Helicopter collection of...
Development Blog #7 – Ammunition system
Development newsOur game is currently having a free demo on Steam. It lasts until 13th of October. Go check it out if you already haven’t!Thank you for all the feedback you’ve already given us! Based on these we are currently working on improvements: Ma...
Free demo & new trailer
News & EventsGreetings dinosaur hunters! You'll get to try our free demo starting 7th of October! We've also launched a new trailer of the game.Free demoWe welcome you to try Prehistoric Hunt demo for free during Steam Game Festival Autumn Edition! T...
Development Blog #6 – Iguanodon and guns
Development newsGreetings dinosaur hunters! In this week's development blog we show you another dinosaur species we’ve added into the game: Iguanodon. This week also brings updates to the game's hunting contract system and available weapons.IGUANODONIgu...
Development Blog #5 – New weapons
Development newsGreetings dinosaur hunters! This week we showcase updates in the following categories: new weapons and hunting contracts.NEW WEAPONSThree new weapon types have been added to the game: Heavy Sniper Rifle Anti Personnel Rifle Revolver Hea...