
October 4, 2020

Free demo & new trailer

News & Events

Greetings dinosaur hunters! You'll get to try our free demo starting 7th of October! We've also launched a new trailer of the game.Free demoWe welcome you to try Prehistoric Hunt demo for free during Steam Game Festival Autumn Edition! T...

September 24, 2020

Development Blog #5 – New weapons

Development news

Greetings dinosaur hunters! This week we showcase updates in the following categories: new weapons and hunting contracts.NEW WEAPONSThree new weapon types have been added to the game:  Heavy Sniper Rifle Anti Personnel Rifle Revolver Hea...

September 16, 2020

Development Blog #4 – Big dinosaurs

Development news

Greetings dinosaur hunters! In this week's development blog we show you another dinosaur species we’ve added into the game: Brachiosaurus. This week also brings updates to the game's dinosaur AI, terrain and special locations.BRACHIOSA...