Key Value Description
event_name [text] Enter the name of the event
activation [object] Enter the Activation object. What triggers event to happen.
condition [object] What parameters are required for the event to happen
spawn_objects [object list] What gets spawned when event activates
set_parameter [object] Set parameter when event activates
inc_parameter [object] Increase parameter value when event activates
Key Value Description
time_elapsed_seconds [decimal] When game time reaches X time, activate this event.
time_repeat_seconds [decimal] Activate this event every X seconds.
player_entered_area [x, y, z, x2, y2, z2] Activate this event when player enters this region
Key Value Description
parameter_equals [parameter] This condition passes if parameter value is equal to the value in this object
parameter_larger_than [parameter] This condition passes if parameter value is larger than the value in this object
player_in_area [x, y, z, x2, y2, z2] This condition passes if player is in this region
same as in spawn_properties