Key Value Description
dinoName [dinosaur ID] The ID of the dinosaur
carnivore [boolean] Is this dinosaur a carnivore or not
canWalk [boolean] Can dinosaur do this behaviour
canRun [boolean] Can dinosaur do this behaviour
canFly [boolean] Can dinosaur do this behaviour
canStalk [boolean] Can dinosaur do this behaviour
canAttack [boolean] Can dinosaur do this behaviour
canSmellPlayer [boolean] Can dinosaur do this behaviour
canYell [boolean] Can dinosaur do this behaviour
canIdle [boolean] Can dinosaur do this behaviour
canCharge [boolean] Can dinosaur do this behaviour
canCombat [boolean] Can dinosaur do this behaviour
canHide [boolean] Can dinosaur do this behaviour
canFleeOnlyLow [boolean] Can dinosaur do this behaviour
canFleeLow [boolean] Can dinosaur do this behaviour
canRush [boolean] Can dinosaur do this behaviour
herdMax [number] description
callers [list] List of caller IDs that affect Dinosaur
finishMoves [object] Special behaviour configuration for doing killing moves
skins [list] List of skin variations
footprintType [number] Reference to what footprint index dinosaur creates
minWeight [number] Min weight in KG
maxWeight [number] Max weight in KG
entrySize [number] How large opening the dinosaur can enter
maxHealth [decimal] Min value of health
maxHealthMax [decimal] Max value of health
maxHunger [decimal] Value of hunger. Lower value increases frequency of eating.
bleedDamagePerSecond [decimal] How fast dinosaur bleeds out.
maxThirst [decimal] Value of thirst. Lower value increases frequency of drinking.
eatTime [decimal] How long animal will be eating
tranquilizeThreshold [decimal] How much tranquilizer is needed to take animal to sleep
tranquilizeTime [decimal] description
repathRate [decimal] How often animal recalculates path to movement target.
repathRoamRate [decimal] How often animal recalculates path to movement target when not in any highly active state.
memoryLoseTime [decimal] description
chaseQuitTime [decimal] When animal quits chasing. Time in seconds.
chaseFinalQuitTime [decimal] description
wakeTime [decimal] How long animal is awake before sleeping again
sleepTime [decimal] How long animal sleeps
moveSpeed [decimal] Normal movement speed
runSpeed [decimal] Movemement speed when running.
rushSpeed [decimal] Movemement speed when rushing.
rotationSpeed [decimal] Turning speed
attackDamageMin [decimal] Min damage inflicted when attacking
attackDamageMax [decimal] Max damage inflicted when attacking
roarDistantFrequency [decimal] description
attackStartTime [decimal] How long start of attack takes
attackEndTime [decimal] How long end of attack takes
attackCombatStartTime [decimal] How long start of attack takes
attackCombatEndTime [decimal] How long end of attack takes
attackIgnoreHeadDistance [boolean] Is attack calculated from head or body
idleLength [decimal] Min length of idling in seconds.
idleLengthMax [decimal] Max length of idling in seconds.
idleCooldownTime [decimal] Time until dinosaur can idle again in seconds.
combatDamageMulti [decimal] Damage inflicted in combat
combatAttackDistance [decimal] description
combatRoarLength [decimal] description
seeDistance [decimal] How far this dinosaur can see.
smellDistance [decimal] How far this dinosaur can smell.
hearMultiplier [decimal] How well can this dinosaur hear.
bulletHitDistance [decimal] description
attackDistance [decimal] Attack range
pathWaypointDistance [decimal] description
quitChaseDistance [decimal] description
chargeDistance [decimal] description
agroDistance [decimal] description
fleeDistance [decimal] description
maxMoveDistance [decimal] How far can this dinosaur travel in one path.
footStepSoundDistance [decimal] description
roarSoundDistance [decimal] description
roarDistantDistance [decimal] description
stalkDistance [decimal] Max distance where dinosaur can start stalking
stalkMinDistance [decimal] Min distance where dinosaur can start stalking