Development Blog #11 – Closing in the Early Access release

junkerdaleDevelopment news

Greetings dinosaur hunters! Here is a larger blog post of our latest development progress while we prepare the game for Early Access release.New game menuGame menu has got an improved visual look. A couple of functionality improvements were also introduced: From the top right corner players can check their current experience points, money, title and level. Options menu was improved … Read More

Development Blog #10 – Tranquilizing dinosaurs

junkerdaleDevelopment news

Greetings dinosaur hunters! This week we present to you another way to catch your dinosaur: tranquilizing. We also show updates in map and controller support.Tranquilized dinosaursInstead of using regular firearms players can now use a tranquilizer gun to put dinosaurs to sleep. It varies per dinosaur how hard it is to get the dinosaurs to sleep. And you need to … Read More

Development Blog #9 – Advanced dinosaur tracking

junkerdaleDevelopment news

Greetings dinosaur hunters! This week we present you a major update in dinosaur tracking feature. We’ve also added a medkit item to the game and brightness setting.TrackingTracking feature has been developed further. Players now get much more information out of tracks: How old the tracks are, what dinosaur left them, what is the condition of the dinosaur and how it … Read More

Development Blog #8 – Helicopter collection of dinosaurs

junkerdaleDevelopment news

Greetings dinosaur hunters! This week we showcase a completely new feature: Helicopter collection of dinosaurs. In addition we have updates in the following categories: Dinosaur behavior, navigation and bug fixes.Helicopter collection of dinosaursHere is a video showing footage of the unfinished dinosaur collection system we are currently developing:The system works currently like this: When players finish a hunting contract a … Read More

Development Blog #7 – Ammunition system

junkerdaleDevelopment news

Our game is currently having a free demo on Steam. It lasts until 13th of October. Go check it out if you already haven’t!Thank you for all the feedback you’ve already given us! Based on these we are currently working on improvements: Making the game run better, improving brightness settings, adjusting the pov and many more. Greetings dinosaur hunters! In this … Read More

Development Blog #6 – Iguanodon and guns

junkerdaleDevelopment news

Greetings dinosaur hunters! In this week’s development blog we show you another dinosaur species we’ve added into the game: Iguanodon. This week also brings updates to the game’s hunting contract system and available weapons.IGUANODONIguanodon is another addition to the game’s calmer herbivore species. Usually they leave hunters alone but like with others, they will come for you if irritated.HUNTING CONTRACTSThe … Read More

Development Blog #5 – New weapons

junkerdaleDevelopment news

Greetings dinosaur hunters! This week we showcase updates in the following categories: new weapons and hunting contracts.NEW WEAPONSThree new weapon types have been added to the game:  Heavy Sniper Rifle Anti Personnel Rifle Revolver Heavy Sniper Rifle is a bolt-action rifle and currently the most damage dealing weapon in the game. It has better scope than the other rifles and … Read More

Development Blog #4 – Big dinosaurs

junkerdaleDevelopment news

Greetings dinosaur hunters! In this week’s development blog we show you another dinosaur species we’ve added into the game: Brachiosaurus. This week also brings updates to the game’s dinosaur AI, terrain and special locations.BRACHIOSAURUSBrachiosaurus is by far the largest inhabitant of the game’s dinosaur island (so far…). It stands roughly 10 meters tall and can be spotted far away because … Read More

Development Blog #3 – Strength in numbers

junkerdaleDevelopment news

Greetings dinosaur hunters! This week we will introduce yet another dinosaur species added into the game: Compsognathus.COMPSOGNATHUSCompsognathus is a small dinosaur that might seem harmless but can prove the opposite. You might encounter only a single Compsognathus but there’s a chance there are more lurking near. You might get into trouble if they all come for you.Compsognathus are quick and … Read More